I have a wide range of experience working with clients of various sizes and industries. My portfolio includes solutions for clients such as Burberry, Vodafone, Outfunnel, Contentful, Printify and more.

With a strong background in both PR and advertising, as well as my experience working in the digital division at M&C Saatchi and Deloitte Digital, I bring a unique perspective to my design work of being able to bridge business and user requirements.

I have a passion for the entire design process, from research and discovery to visual design elements. To me understanding the user and problem space is essential to produce impactful design.

I believe in working in a positive, flexible, and transparent manner and am excited by the opportunity to work on products and projects that aim to make a positive impact on the world.

How I got started in UX πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I began my career at Deloitte Digital as part of the Marketing & Insight team, but soon discovered my true passion in User Experience (UX). I developed my design skills working in the Deloitte and Apple alliance mobile team. As a result, I had the chance to learn the top-notch user-centric design set by Apple and deliver design research and products to the top-notch companies.

The process of interacting with individuals, understanding their needs, and using technology to improve interactions with brands and products brings me great fulfilment.

I believe that technology in combination with creativity has the power to make a significant positive impact on people's daily lives.

What I'm curious about 🧐

I strive to bring passion for people and natural curiosity in life through my work. I believe that by understanding the needs and wants of the humans, I can create designs that not only look great but also serve a purpose and make a positive impact. I am constantly seeking to learn and grow as a designer and take inspiration from those who have the courage to push their limits and persevere through challenges. This mindset has helped me to deliver results for my clients and make a meaningful difference to their products and services.

My passions πŸ‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ—ΊπŸ”

Previously an avid crossfitter and a certified CrossFit Level 1, I discovered my passion for Olympic Weightlifting.

My dedication and hard work paid off rather soon, as I won Gold at the Latvian Championship after only a few months of training and I am currently a National Champion and best female lifter in my country (as of 2023. I am committed to continuing to compete and improve in the sport on an international arena.

In addition to my love for weightlifting, I am also an avid hiker, a skilled home baker of sourdough bread, and a huge cat lady (yes, that crazy cat lady..but even more).